Perhaps not the most controversial statement to make, or even a cliché? But the fact is that health trends come and go while the advice to eat lots of fruits and vegetables remains.
We know this. That most of us should probably eat more plant-based food. In a survey*, the majority of Swedes state that they would like to eat more of both fruit and vegetables, despite this, only 16 percent reaches the National Food Administration’s recommendation of 500 grams a day. Among the men, that figure is even lower, only 8 percent.
We think it’s important that the store shopper feel the joy of food and get inspiration for their cooking when they shop. We believe that a well-organized department and inviting interior design can encourage consumers to shop and eat more fruits and vegetables.

In addition, a well-designed fruit and vegetable department with ergonomic displays can reduce wastage, facilitate refilling, and minimize heavy lifting. For many years, we have been supplying fruit and vegetable furnishings to Sweden’s largest players in the grocery trade. If you want to know more, contact one of our experts in the grocery trade ➔ Contact
* According to FOG 2017, Kostministeriet.